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Cardano Documentation

The Cardano blockchain is a smart-contract enabled proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain based on the Ouroboros consensus protocol offering native liquid staking. Cardano is provably secure, energy-efficient and scalable. Its ledger employs the Extended UTXO model, similar to Bitcoin's UTxO model, but with enhanced capabilities like native asset issuance and smart contracts execution, while maintaining robust security and scalability.

Cardano Web3 API

Welcome to Maestro's Cardano Web3 API Reference. You can find below detailed information about all APIs and services available for Cardano.

Specific API References

ServiceAPI Reference
Blockchain IndexerAPI Reference
Transaction ManagerAPI Reference
Managed ContractsAPI Reference
DeFi Market APIAPI Reference
Wallet ManagerAPI Reference

What's new?

Checkout API Change Log for recently added and deprecated endpoints

Cardano Networks

The Maestro API is available for all Cardano networks using the following base URLs:

NetworkBase URL

API Versions

The Blockchain Indexer API is currently versioned at v1. When making a query, v1 must be included in your base URL.


Here is the latest Maestro openapi.json for the Blockchain Indexer API, DeFi Market API and Managed Contracts API. For all other Maestro APIs please refer here.

SDK Language Support

The following SDKs are available:

  • Haskell
  • Typescript
  • Go
  • Rust
  • Python


Maestro API authorizes requests using the api-key header. You can obtain this key from the Dapp Platform Dashboard as described here.

Example GET request for retrieving the chain tip:

curl -X GET \
-H "api-key: <your_project_api_key>" \

Example POST request for submitting a transaction:

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/cbor" \
-H "api-key: <your_project_api_key>" \
--data @tx.signed \


Ensuring secure communication between your application and Maestro is paramount. This will enforce access control to your Maestro resources.

  • Do not share your api-key in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, etc.
  • Loss or misuse of your api-key may result in the overuse of your account's available credits.
  • We encourage you to research how to securely store and access your api-key either while testing or in production.

Cursor-based Pagination

Some Maestro endpoints implement Cursor-based Pagination to break down large datasets into smaller responses. This method is particularly relevant when returning all the data in a single response would be impractical or slow.

Benefits of Cursor-based Pagination
  • Better data integrity and accuracy when fetching multiple pages
  • Avoids duplicates when blocks get processed between queries
  • Works well with infinite scroll. Loading content as the user scrolls, for a smoother UX.

These Maestro responses will include a next_cursor string property indicating the value that should be included as cursor string in your next request to fetch the next page.

  • Using endpoint UTxOs containing assets of policy.
  • If the response for an initial call ended in "next_cursor": "AAAAAALfeKF8btdzaVvkGaetSS7e1AAF"
  • The next call could include that value as Query Parameter cursor
  • By adding ...?cursor=AAAAAALfeKF8btdzaVvkGaetSS7e1AAF to the end of the query
  • Resulting in the endpoint returning the next page of results
curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'api-key: your-api-key'

When a response presents next_cursor of null then the end of the requested dataset has been reached.

Other relevant query parameters are:

count100Defines the max number of results per pagination page
orderascThe order in which the results are sorted. Possible values: [asc, desc]. Only for some endpoints.

Our specific REST API References may include further detail for a specific endpoint.

Compute Credits

Compute Credits is how Maestro quantifies the computational resources utilized by your applications on its platform. They function similar to compute usage on traditional cloud providers like Google Cloud and AWS. The quantity of Compute Credits assigned to each operation or method is calculated based on the global average durations of that method, accounting for factors like complexity and computational intensity.

Learn more about how compute credits are allocated for different API packages in the Subscriptions breakdown.


Why use Compute Credits?

Compute Credits offer a fair and flexible pricing model on Maestro's platform. Developers only pay for the exact computational resources they have used, enhancing efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Request Limits

Two types of API request rate limits are enforced:

  • Per day: a set amount of credits consumed per day based on the package tier.
  • Per second: a set amount of requests per second based on the package tier.

The base throughput request limit found in the Artist plan is 10 requests per second.

Please see the available Packages for more details or to upgrade your plan. If these limits are insufficient for your organization, please reach out to us to discuss Enterprise solutions.

Response Headers

The following elements are included in the response headers from Maestro:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit-Second: number of allowed requests per second
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining-Second: number of allowed requests per second remaining in this second
  • X-Maestro-Credits-Limit: number of allowed credits today
  • X-Maestro-Credits-Remaining: number of allowed credits remaining today

Please make sure to consider these (in bold) and throttle requests to avoid get rate limiting.


Maestro returns conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request:

  • Codes in the 2xx range indicate success.
  • Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that occurred given the query parameters or request payload (e.g. required parameter was omitted).
  • Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Maestro's servers.

Our specific REST API References describe response codes for each endpoint in more detail.

Ongoing Deprecations

  • From v1.4.5
    • Deprecated /epochs/{epoch_no}/info
    • Will remain functional until Jan 15th, 2023
    • Please use the improved /epochs/{epoch_no} instead
  • From v1.7.2
    • Deprecated /era-history
    • Deprecated /protocol-params
    • Refer below for alternative endpoints

Change Log


  • DEPRECATED /era-history Era history
    • Please use the improved /era-summaries Era summary below
  • NEW /era-summaries Era summary
    • Replaces deprecated /era-history
  • DEPRECATED /protocol-params Protocol parameters
    • Please use the improved /protocol-parameters Protocol parameters below
  • NEW /protocol-parameters Protocol parameters
    • Replaces deprecated /protocol-params



ADDED Direct Swap Contract on Managed Contracts API





  • REMOVED previously deprecated endpoints
    • From v1.4.3:
      • /datum/{datum_hash}
    • From v1.4.1:
      • /assets/policy/{policy}
      • /assets/policy/{policy}/accounts
      • /assets/policy/{policy}/addresses
      • /assets/policy/{policy}/txs
      • /assets/policy/{policy}/utxos
      • /assets/{asset}/txs
      • /assets/{asset}/updates






  • UPDATED /transactions/outputs Transaction outputs by output references
    • Added an allow_missing parameter to not return 404 if any output references are not found




Updated DeFi Market API - Now out of Beta!


  • NEW /blocks/latest Latest block information
    • Returns information about the most recently minted block
  • DEPRECATED /epochs/{epoch_no}/info
    • Will remain functional until Jan 15th, 2023
    • Please use the improved /epochs/{epoch_no} below
  • NEW /epochs/{epoch_no} Specific epoch details
    • Replaces deprecated /epochs/{epoch_no}/info
    • Adds active_stake: Total active stake for the epoch
    • Adds total_rewards: Total rewards earned by block producers during the epoch
    • Adds average_reward: Average reward for block producers during the epoch


  • UPDATED Added amounts-as-strings optional header parameter for several endpoints


Payment Credentials



  • Removed vesting memo param from Linear Vesting endpoint



Deprecated endpoints will remain functional until Nov 30th, 2023. Removed Feb 16th 2024.

Breaking Change

Updated endpointsChanges
Native asset information
Removed: first_mint_time moved into first_mint_tx as timestamp
Breaking change: first_mint_tx additional transaction details (amount, timestamp, hash)
New: latest_mint_tx same transaction details from first_mint_tx
New: unique_holders number of holders by_account and by_address

New & Deprecated Policy endpoints

Deprecated endpointsCorresponding or New endpoints
Information on assets of specific policy
Information about a policy of native assets
Accounts of addresses holding assets of specific policy
Accounts of addresses holding assets of specific policy
Addresses holding assets of specific policy
Addresses holding assets of specific policy
Transactions moving assets of specific policy
Transactions involving assets of policy
UTxOs containing assets of specifc policy
UTxOs containing assets of specific policy
List assets of policy
Transactions minting or burning assets of policy

New & Deprecated Asset endpoints

Deprecated endpointsCorresponding or New endpoints
Native asset transactions
Native asset transactions
Native asset updates
Native asset mints and burns
Accounts of addresses holding specific asset
Native asset addresses
Native asset UTxOs




Added DeFi Market API


Added Wallet Manager API


Added Managed Contracts API
