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Plug-and-Play Smart Contracts

Smart-Contract Marketplace

Maestro has released Cardano's first Smart Contract Marketplace. A repository of open-source & audited smart contracts contributed by the community. This platform is a significant step toward promoting open collaboration and trust within the smart contract landscape.

In addition, Maestro offers two novel services aimed at empowering developers with the low-code/no-code tools to build and deploy secure dApps with ease.

  1. Managed Contract API: Deploy contracts and build transaction with a simple REST API interface
  2. Contract UI Widgets: Integrate whitelabel React components directly into your app

Checkout the Marketplace HERE

Available Contracts on the Marketplace

Smart ContractDescriptionCompilerPlutus VersionProjectFeeOpen-sourcedAudited
Linear VestingLock tokens with a linear vesting schedule and control the release of tokens over timePlutarchv2Anastasia LabsYescodeAnastasia Labs
Direct SwapPeer-to-Peer & trustless swaps for bundles of Tokens & NFTsPlutarchv2Anastasia LabsYescodeAnastasia Labs
Single Asset StakingEarn and redeem yield on tokens staked at an addressPlutarchv2Anastasia LabsYescodeAnastasia Labs
P2P LendingCerra - P2P lending & borrowing order bookPlutusv2CerraYescode
Privacy PaymentsEncoins - Privacy accounts and payments protocolAikenv2EncoinsYescode
P2P SwapsFallen Icarus - distributed order-book DEX with composable atomic swapsPlutusv2Fallen IcarusNocode
Derivatives MarketplaceFallen Icarus - marketplace for option, futures, and bondsPlutusv2Fallen IcarusNocode
P2P OptionsFallen Icarus - p2p options tradingPlutusv2Fallen IcarusNocode
P2P LoansFallen Icarus - distributed p2p lending/borrowing protocolAikenv2Fallen IcarusNocode
Collateralized Debt PositionIndigo - collateralized debt position protocolPlutusv2IndigoYescode
Onchain OracleIndigo - Onchain oracle scriptPlutusv2IndigoYescode
Governance PollingIndigo - Onchain governance polling scriptPlutusv2IndigoYescode
Stability PoolIndigo - CDP Stability PoolsPlutusv2IndigoYescode
Governance ProposalIndigo - onchain governance proposal creationPlutusv2IndigoYescode
Onchain StakingIndigo - staking contractPlutusv2IndigoYescode
Onchain TreasuryIndigo - onchain treasury protocolPlutusv2IndigoYescode
NFT Bid and Ask contract powering NFT marketplace.Aikenv2JPG.storeYescodeSundaeswap
Pool Lending ProtocolPooled lending and borrowing protocol with flash loansAikenv2LenfiYescodeTxPipe
AMM DEX V1Minswap - AMM DEX v1 protocolPlutusv1MinswapYescodeTweag
AMM DEX v1MuesliSwap - AMM DEX protocolPlutusv2MuesliSwapYescode
AMM DEX BatcherBatch Muesliswap ordersPlutusv2MuesliSwapYescode
Orderbook DEX v1MuesliSwap - v1.1 OrderBook DEX.Plutusv1MuesliSwapYescode
NFT MarketplaceA Cardano NFT marketplace contract including chain indexer and event listener for individual projects.Aikenv2SpaceBudzNocode
Single Asset StakingEarn and redeem yield on tokens staked at an address.Plutarchv2Anastasia LabsYescodeAnastasia Labs
AMM DEXCross-chain DEX for fast, trustless cross-chain swaps, liquidity provision & liquidity mining.Plutarchv1Spectrum NetworkYescode
NFT MarketplaceToken Riot - NFT selling, offering, auctions, and timelocks.Plutusv2Token RiotYescode
Orderbook DEXPure Orderbook DEX (no batchers) supporting partial ordersPlutarchv2Genius YieldNocodeAnastasia Labs
DEX Order ValidatorGY - Validate new DEX limit ordersPlutarchv2Genius YieldNocodeAnastasia Labs
DEX Fee ConfigGY - Set maker & taker DEX feesPlutarchv2Genius YieldNocodeAnastasia Labs

Contract Royalty

Royalties are directly encoded into the contract and automatically distributed to the contract author when executed. Just like NFT royalties, this insures the author is incentivized to open-source their contract and be rewarded accordingly while benefiting the Cardano ecosystem with standardized and vetted contracts for any one to use.


Add your own contract to the Marketplace

Do you have a smart-contract and want to earn royalties for it?

To get added to the Marketplace, follow the following Contribution Instructions

Advantages of Open-Sourcing Contracts

  • Standardization: Open-source contracts can demonstrate best practices and battle tested protocol architectures, providing a reliable foundation for developers.
  • Security: Anyone can audit open-source contracts, enhancing their security overtime and building confidence in the community using them.
  • Collaboration: Open-source work benefits from diverse contributions, which can lead to higher application efficiency and robustness.
  • Composability: The ability to combine and recombine contracts encourages creative and innovative protocol development.###

Unlocked Benefits for Cardano’s dApp Ecosystem

  1. Dependable Contracts: Access a curated collection of modular, robust, and reusable smart contracts. Benefit from contracts that have undergone rigorous community assessments.
  2. Standardize Contract Interface: Interact with contracts through intuitive API, SDK, or UI compoments, lowering the barrier to entry into Web3 and unlocking the power of blockchain for everyone.
  3. Instant Deployment: Avoid cumbersome and expensive Cardano backend infrastructure and seamlessly deploy contracts into your web2 application.
  4. Rewarding Innovation: The royalty system for both the backend and frontend developers encourages a culture of sharing and collective advancement.

Managed Contract API

Maestro's Managed Contracts API gives access to ready-to-deploy smart contracts written in Plutus and Aiken or any other Cardano smart contract frameworks .The contract API abstracts away both on-chain and off-chain script interactions. Using intuitive and developer-friendly endpoints, this fully managed contract service aims to enhance developer experience, strengthen the ecosystem, and enhance the security of Dapps on Cardano.


Look here for more general information about Maestro's REST API standard.

Direct Swap UI Widget

Contract UI Widgets

For those looking for an end-to-end web integration, Maestro's Contract Widgets provide a no-code option, allowing developers to add full-featured frontend components to any website. All UI widgets are made open source and can be found here:


Add your own UI Widget and charge a frontend fee

Similar to smart contract royalties, frontend developers can contribute their own UI component and charge a frontend fee in order to receive ongoing revenue for their work.

Linear Vesting UI Widget

Subscription level

This API is only included in subscriptions above the Artist tier.

Get to know Maestro subscription details here


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