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Transaction details

Returns detailed information about a transaction

Path Parameters
    tx_hash string required

    Transaction hash in hex

Header Parameters
    amounts-as-strings string

    Large numbers returned as strings if set to true


Detailed information about the specified transaction

    data object required

    Transaction Information

    additional_signers string[] required

    Additional required signers

    block_absolute_slot int64 required

    Absolute slot of the block which includes the transaction

    block_epoch int64 required

    Epoch in which the block was minted in

    block_hash string required

    Hash of the block which includes the transaction

    block_height int64 required

    Block height (number) of the block which includes the transaction

    block_timestamp int64 required

    UNIX timestamp of the block which includes the transaction

    block_tx_index int32 required

    The transaction's position within the block which includes it

    certificates object required

    Certificates found in a transaction

    auth_committee_hot_certs object[] required
  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    committee_cold_credential string required
    committee_hot_credential string required
  • ]
  • mir_transfers object[] required

    Instantaneous rewards certificates

  • Array [
  • accounts object[] nullable

    List of stake accounts with corresponding reward amounts (null if to is 'reserves' or 'treasury')

  • Array [
  • amount object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    stake_address string required
  • ]
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    from MirSource required

    Possible values: [reserves, treasury]

    The pot from which an MIR reward is being funded by

    other_pot int64 nullable

    Amount transfered to the other pot (null if to is 'accounts')

    to MirTarget required

    Possible values: [reserves, treasury, accounts]

    Where the MIR reward(s) are being sent

  • ]
  • pool_registrations object[] required

    Stake pool registration certificates

  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    fixed_cost object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    from_epoch int64 required

    Epoch at which the update will become active

    margin object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    metadata_hash string nullable

    Hash of metadata that the metadata URL should point to

    metadata_url string nullable

    URL pointing to pool metadata declared by the stake pool

    owner_addresses string[] required

    Stake addresses which control the stake pool

    pledge object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    pool_id string required

    Pool ID of the stake pool being updated

    relays object[] required

    Relays declared by the stake pool

  • Array [
  • dns string nullable
    ipv4 string nullable
    ipv6 string nullable
    port int32 nullable
    srv string nullable
  • ]
  • reward_address string required

    Stake address which will receive rewards from the stake pool

    vrf_key_hash string required

    VRF key hash of the stake pool

  • ]
  • pool_retirements object[] required

    Stake pool retirement certificates

  • Array [
  • after_epoch int32 required

    Pool will be retired at the end of this epoch

    cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    pool_id string required

    Bech32 pool ID of the pool being retired

  • ]
  • reg_certs object[] required
  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    deposit string required

    Stake registration deposit

    stake_address string required

    Stake address corresponding to stake key being updated

  • ]
  • reg_drep_certs object[] required
  • Array [
  • anchor object nullable
    content_hash string required

    Hash of data at URL

    url string required


    cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    deposit string required

    Registration deposit

    drep_credential object required

    Payment credential, the payment part of a Cardano address

    bech32 string required

    Bech32-encoding of the credential key hash or script hash

    hex string required

    Hex-encoding of the script or key credential

    kind DRepCredKind required

    Possible values: [key, script]

  • ]
  • resign_committee_cold_certs object[] required
  • Array [
  • anchor object nullable
    content_hash string required

    Hash of data at URL

    url string required


    cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    committee_cold_credential string required
  • ]
  • stake_delegations object[] required

    Stake key delegation certificates

  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    pool_id string required

    Pool ID of the stake pool the stake key is delegating to

    stake_address string required

    Stake address corresponding to stake key being delegated

  • ]
  • stake_deregistrations object[] required

    Stake key deregistration certificates

  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    stake_address string required

    Stake address corresponding to stake key being updated

  • ]
  • stake_reg_delegations object[] required
  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    deposit string required

    Stake registration deposit

    pool_id string required

    Pool ID of the stake pool the stake key is delegating to

    stake_address string required

    Stake address corresponding to stake key being updated

  • ]
  • stake_registrations object[] required

    Stake key registration certificates

  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    stake_address string required

    Stake address corresponding to stake key being updated

  • ]
  • stake_vote_delegations object[] required
  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    drep object required


    credential object nullable

    Payment credential, the payment part of a Cardano address

    bech32 string required

    Bech32-encoding of the credential key hash or script hash

    hex string required

    Hex-encoding of the script or key credential

    kind DRepCredKind required

    Possible values: [key, script]

    kind DRepKind required

    Possible values: [credential, abstain, no_confidence]

    pool_id string required

    Pool ID of the stake pool the stake key is delegating to

    stake_address string required

    Stake address corresponding to stake key being updated

  • ]
  • stake_vote_reg_delegations object[] required
  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    deposit string required

    Stake registration deposit

    drep object required


    credential object nullable

    Payment credential, the payment part of a Cardano address

    bech32 string required

    Bech32-encoding of the credential key hash or script hash

    hex string required

    Hex-encoding of the script or key credential

    kind DRepCredKind required

    Possible values: [key, script]

    kind DRepKind required

    Possible values: [credential, abstain, no_confidence]

    pool_id string required

    Pool ID of the stake pool the stake key is delegating to

    stake_address string required

    Stake address corresponding to stake key being updated

  • ]
  • unreg_certs object[] required
  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    deposit string required

    Stake registration deposit to be returned

    stake_address string required

    Stake address corresponding to stake key being updated

  • ]
  • unreg_drep_certs object[] required
  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    deposit string required

    Registration deposit to be returned

    drep_credential object required

    Payment credential, the payment part of a Cardano address

    bech32 string required

    Bech32-encoding of the credential key hash or script hash

    hex string required

    Hex-encoding of the script or key credential

    kind DRepCredKind required

    Possible values: [key, script]

  • ]
  • update_drep_certs object[] required
  • Array [
  • anchor object nullable
    content_hash string required

    Hash of data at URL

    url string required


    cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    drep_credential object required

    Payment credential, the payment part of a Cardano address

    bech32 string required

    Bech32-encoding of the credential key hash or script hash

    hex string required

    Hex-encoding of the script or key credential

    kind DRepCredKind required

    Possible values: [key, script]

  • ]
  • vote_delegations object[] required
  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    drep object required


    credential object nullable

    Payment credential, the payment part of a Cardano address

    bech32 string required

    Bech32-encoding of the credential key hash or script hash

    hex string required

    Hex-encoding of the script or key credential

    kind DRepCredKind required

    Possible values: [key, script]

    kind DRepKind required

    Possible values: [credential, abstain, no_confidence]

    stake_address string required

    Stake address corresponding to stake key being updated

  • ]
  • vote_reg_delegations object[] required
  • Array [
  • cert_index int64 required

    Index of the certificate in the transaction

    deposit string required

    Stake registration deposit

    drep object required


    credential object nullable

    Payment credential, the payment part of a Cardano address

    bech32 string required

    Bech32-encoding of the credential key hash or script hash

    hex string required

    Hex-encoding of the script or key credential

    kind DRepCredKind required

    Possible values: [key, script]

    kind DRepKind required

    Possible values: [credential, abstain, no_confidence]

    stake_address string required

    Stake address corresponding to stake key being updated

  • ]
  • collateral_inputs object[] required

    Collateral inputs, to be taken if Plutus scripts are not successful

  • Array [
  • address string required

    Address which controls the UTxO

    assets object[] required

    List of assets contained in the UTxO

  • Array [
  • amount object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    unit string required

    Asset (either lovelace or concatenation of hex encoded policy ID and asset name for native asset)

  • ]
  • datum object nullable

    Datum (inline or hash)

    bytes string nullable

    Hex encoded datum CBOR bytes (null if datum type is hash and corresponding datum bytes have not been seen on-chain)

    hash string required

    Datum hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of the datum (null if datum type is hash and corresponding datum bytes have not been seen on-chain)

    type DatumOptionType required

    Possible values: [hash, inline]

    Datum type (inline datum or datum hash)

    index int64 required

    UTxO transaction index

    reference_script object nullable

    Details of a Native or Plutus script

    bytes string required

    Script bytes

    hash string required

    Script hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of script (null if script not of native type)

    type ScriptType required

    Possible values: [native, plutusv1, plutusv2, plutusv3]

    Script type and version

    tx_hash string required

    UTxO transaction hash

  • ]
  • collateral_return object nullable

    Transaction output

    address string required

    Address which controls the UTxO

    assets object[] required

    List of assets contained in the UTxO

  • Array [
  • amount object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    unit string required

    Asset (either lovelace or concatenation of hex encoded policy ID and asset name for native asset)

  • ]
  • datum object nullable

    Datum (inline or hash)

    bytes string nullable

    Hex encoded datum CBOR bytes (null if datum type is hash and corresponding datum bytes have not been seen on-chain)

    hash string required

    Datum hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of the datum (null if datum type is hash and corresponding datum bytes have not been seen on-chain)

    type DatumOptionType required

    Possible values: [hash, inline]

    Datum type (inline datum or datum hash)

    index int64 required

    UTxO transaction index

    reference_script object nullable

    Details of a Native or Plutus script

    bytes string required

    Script bytes

    hash string required

    Script hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of script (null if script not of native type)

    type ScriptType required

    Possible values: [native, plutusv1, plutusv2, plutusv3]

    Script type and version

    tx_hash string required

    UTxO transaction hash

    deposit int64 required

    The amount of lovelace used for deposits (negative if being returned)

    fee int64 required

    The fee specified in the transaction

    inputs object[] required

    Transaction inputs (lexicographically sorted)

  • Array [
  • address string required

    Address which controls the UTxO

    assets object[] required

    List of assets contained in the UTxO

  • Array [
  • amount object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    unit string required

    Asset (either lovelace or concatenation of hex encoded policy ID and asset name for native asset)

  • ]
  • datum object nullable

    Datum (inline or hash)

    bytes string nullable

    Hex encoded datum CBOR bytes (null if datum type is hash and corresponding datum bytes have not been seen on-chain)

    hash string required

    Datum hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of the datum (null if datum type is hash and corresponding datum bytes have not been seen on-chain)

    type DatumOptionType required

    Possible values: [hash, inline]

    Datum type (inline datum or datum hash)

    index int64 required

    UTxO transaction index

    reference_script object nullable

    Details of a Native or Plutus script

    bytes string required

    Script bytes

    hash string required

    Script hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of script (null if script not of native type)

    type ScriptType required

    Possible values: [native, plutusv1, plutusv2, plutusv3]

    Script type and version

    tx_hash string required

    UTxO transaction hash

  • ]
  • invalid_before int64 nullable

    The slot before which the transaction would not be accepted onto the chain

    invalid_hereafter int64 nullable

    The slot from which the transaction would not be accepted onto the chain

    metadata object nullable

    Transaction metadata JSON

    mint object[] required

    Native assets minted or burned by the transaction

  • Array [
  • amount object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    unit string required

    Asset (represented as concatenation of hex encoded policy ID and asset name)

  • ]
  • outputs object[] required

    Transaction outputs

  • Array [
  • address string required

    Address which controls the UTxO

    assets object[] required

    List of assets contained in the UTxO

  • Array [
  • amount object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    unit string required

    Asset (either lovelace or concatenation of hex encoded policy ID and asset name for native asset)

  • ]
  • datum object nullable

    Datum (inline or hash)

    bytes string nullable

    Hex encoded datum CBOR bytes (null if datum type is hash and corresponding datum bytes have not been seen on-chain)

    hash string required

    Datum hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of the datum (null if datum type is hash and corresponding datum bytes have not been seen on-chain)

    type DatumOptionType required

    Possible values: [hash, inline]

    Datum type (inline datum or datum hash)

    index int64 required

    UTxO transaction index

    reference_script object nullable

    Details of a Native or Plutus script

    bytes string required

    Script bytes

    hash string required

    Script hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of script (null if script not of native type)

    type ScriptType required

    Possible values: [native, plutusv1, plutusv2, plutusv3]

    Script type and version

    tx_hash string required

    UTxO transaction hash

  • ]
  • redeemers object required
    certificates object[] required

    Redeemers attempting to delegate or deregister a script-controlled stake account

  • Array [
  • cert_index integer required

    Position of certificate redeemer attempting to authenticate in sorted certificates

    data object required
    bytes string required

    Hex encoded datum CBOR bytes

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of the datum

    ex_units int64[] required

    Execution unit budget (memory, steps)

  • ]
  • mints object[] required

    Redeemers attempting to mint assets of a script-controlled policy ID

  • Array [
  • data object required
    bytes string required

    Hex encoded datum CBOR bytes

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of the datum

    ex_units int64[] required

    Execution unit budget (memory, steps)

    policy string required

    Asset policy (hash of script being executed)

  • ]
  • proposals object[] required

    Redeemers attempting to submit a proposal

  • Array [
  • data object required
    bytes string required

    Hex encoded datum CBOR bytes

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of the datum

    ex_units int64[] required

    Execution unit budget (memory, steps)

    proposal_index integer required

    Index of the relevant proposal

  • ]
  • spends object[] required

    Redeemers attempting to spend a UTxO locked at a script

  • Array [
  • data object required
    bytes string required

    Hex encoded datum CBOR bytes

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of the datum

    ex_units int64[] required

    Execution unit budget (memory, steps)

    input object required

    UTxO reference (transaction hash and output index)

    index int64 required

    UTxO transaction index

    tx_hash string required

    UTxO transaction hash

    input_index integer required

    Position of input within the lexicographically sorted transaction inputs

    script_hash string required

    Script being executed

  • ]
  • votes object[] required

    Redeemers attempting to cast a vote for a script-controlled stake account

  • Array [
  • data object required
    bytes string required

    Hex encoded datum CBOR bytes

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of the datum

    ex_units int64[] required

    Execution unit budget (memory, steps)

    vote_index integer required

    Index of relevant vote in sorted votes

  • ]
  • withdrawals object[] required

    Redeemers attempting to withdraw rewards for a script-controlled stake account

  • Array [
  • data object required
    bytes string required

    Hex encoded datum CBOR bytes

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of the datum

    ex_units int64[] required

    Execution unit budget (memory, steps)

    stake_address string required

    Stake account that the redeemer is attempting to withdraw rewards from

  • ]
  • reference_inputs object[] required

    Reference inputs

  • Array [
  • address string required

    Address which controls the UTxO

    assets object[] required

    List of assets contained in the UTxO

  • Array [
  • amount object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    unit string required

    Asset (either lovelace or concatenation of hex encoded policy ID and asset name for native asset)

  • ]
  • datum object nullable

    Datum (inline or hash)

    bytes string nullable

    Hex encoded datum CBOR bytes (null if datum type is hash and corresponding datum bytes have not been seen on-chain)

    hash string required

    Datum hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of the datum (null if datum type is hash and corresponding datum bytes have not been seen on-chain)

    type DatumOptionType required

    Possible values: [hash, inline]

    Datum type (inline datum or datum hash)

    index int64 required

    UTxO transaction index

    reference_script object nullable

    Details of a Native or Plutus script

    bytes string required

    Script bytes

    hash string required

    Script hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of script (null if script not of native type)

    type ScriptType required

    Possible values: [native, plutusv1, plutusv2, plutusv3]

    Script type and version

    tx_hash string required

    UTxO transaction hash

  • ]
  • scripts_executed object[] required

    Native and Plutus scripts which were executed while processing the transaction

  • Array [
  • bytes string required

    Script bytes

    hash string required

    Script hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of script (null if script not of native type)

    type ScriptType required

    Possible values: [native, plutusv1, plutusv2, plutusv3]

    Script type and version

  • ]
  • scripts_successful boolean required

    False if any executed Plutus scripts failed (aka phase-two validity), meaning collateral was processed.

    size int64 required

    Size of the transaction in bytes

    tx_hash string required

    Transaction hash (identifier)

    withdrawals object[] required

    Stake account withdrawals

  • Array [
  • amount object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    stake_address string required
  • ]
  • last_updated object required

    Details of the most recent block processed by the indexer (aka chain tip); that is, the data returned is correct as of this block in time.

    block_hash string required

    Hex-encoded hash of the most recently processed block (aka chain tip)

    block_slot int64 required

    Absolute slot of the most recently processed block (aka chain tip)

    timestamp string required

    UTC timestamp of when the most recently processed block was minted
