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Block information

Returns information about the specified block

Path Parameters
    hash_or_height string required

    Block height or hex encoded block hash

Header Parameters
    amounts-as-strings string

    Large numbers returned as strings if set to true


Summary of information regarding the specified block

    data object required

    Block information

    absolute_slot int64 required

    Absolute slot when block was minted

    block_producer string nullable

    Identifier of stake pool which minted the block

    confirmations int64 required

    Number of blocks which have been minted since the block

    epoch int64 required

    Epoch in which block was minted

    epoch_slot int64 required

    Epoch slot at which block was minted

    era LedgerEra required

    Possible values: [byron, shelley, allegra, mary, alonzo, vasil, valentine, conway, notrecognised]

    hash string required

    Block hash

    height int64 required

    Block height (number)

    next_block string nullable

    Block hash of the next block

    operational_certificate object nullable
    hot_vkey string required
    kes_period int64 required
    kes_signature string required
    sequence_number int64 required
    previous_block string nullable

    Block hash of the previous block

    protocol_version object[] required

    Ledger protocol version (major, minor)

    script_invocations int32 required

    Number of script invocations

    size int32 required

    Size of the block body in bytes

    timestamp string required

    UTC timestamp when the block was minted

    total_ex_units object required

    Execution unit budget for executing a redeemer

    mem int64 required
    steps int64 required
    total_fees object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    total_output_lovelace string required

    Total lovelace in outputs of transactions included in the block

    tx_hashes string[] required

    Ordered transaction hashes for the transactions in the block

    vrf_key string nullable

    Null for Byron

    last_updated object required

    Details of the most recent block processed by the indexer (aka chain tip); that is, the data returned is correct as of this block in time.

    block_hash string required

    Hex-encoded hash of the most recently processed block (aka chain tip)

    block_slot int64 required

    Absolute slot of the most recently processed block (aka chain tip)

    timestamp string required

    UTC timestamp of when the most recently processed block was minted
