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Single Asset Staking

The Single Asset Staking enables earning and redeeming yield on tokens staked at an address. The contract controls the release of tokens over time, ensuring that the recipient can only claim them gradually. This contract is capable of both tracking token staking and distributing staking rewards in a completely on-chain and trustless manner. Both the asset being staked and the reward asset can be any Cardano Native Fungible Token.


Common use cases

  • Yield Farming
  • Staking Vaults
  • Reward distribution

Contract API Endpoints

Maestro's API enables developers to integrate seamlessly with this contract using seven endpoints:

Admin - ConfigureCreate the config for a new campaign/contracts/singleAssetStaking/createConfig
Admin - InitializeInitialize the staking for a new campaign/contracts/singleAssetStaking/initStaking
Admin - Process RewardsProcess rewards for a campaign/contracts/singleAssetStaking/processRewards
User - StakeStaking token to a campaign/contracts/singleAssetStaking/stakeToken
User - Staking StateGet the state of a campaign/contracts/singleAssetStaking/stakingState
User - UpdateUpdating stake on a campaign/contracts/singleAssetStaking/updateStake
User - WithdrawWithdrawing stake from a campaign/contracts/singleAssetStaking/withdrawStake

Contract Auditor

Contract has been audited and is open-sourced here


Contract Fees

Single Asset Staking has a 1% fee applied to the staking reward amount and going towards contract author Anastasia Labs