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Transaction output by output reference

Returns the specified transaction output. Attempts to resolve the datum hash to the corresponding bytes and JSON, should the output contain a datum hash.

Path Parameters
    tx_hash string required

    Transaction Hash

    index integer required

    Output Index

Query Parameters
    with_cbor boolean

    Include the CBOR encoding of the transaction output in the response

Header Parameters
    amounts-as-strings string

    Large numbers returned as strings if set to true


Get a transaction output via it's output reference

    data object required

    Transaction output

    address string required

    Address which controls the UTxO

    assets object[] required

    List of assets contained in the UTxO

  • Array [
  • amount object required

    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true



    Integer or number by default, or a string representation if the amounts-as-strings header is set to true

    unit string required

    Asset (either lovelace or concatenation of hex encoded policy ID and asset name for native asset)

  • ]
  • datum object nullable

    Datum (inline or hash)

    bytes string nullable

    Hex encoded datum CBOR bytes (null if datum type is hash and corresponding datum bytes have not been seen on-chain)

    hash string required

    Datum hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of the datum (null if datum type is hash and corresponding datum bytes have not been seen on-chain)

    type DatumOptionType required

    Possible values: [hash, inline]

    Datum type (inline datum or datum hash)

    index int64 required

    UTxO transaction index

    reference_script object nullable

    Details of a Native or Plutus script

    bytes string required

    Script bytes

    hash string required

    Script hash

    json object nullable

    JSON representation of script (null if script not of native type)

    type ScriptType required

    Possible values: [native, plutusv1, plutusv2, plutusv3]

    Script type and version

    tx_hash string required

    UTxO transaction hash

    last_updated object required

    Details of the most recent block processed by the indexer (aka chain tip); that is, the data returned is correct as of this block in time.

    block_hash string required

    Hex-encoded hash of the most recently processed block (aka chain tip)

    block_slot int64 required

    Absolute slot of the most recently processed block (aka chain tip)

    timestamp string required

    UTC timestamp of when the most recently processed block was minted
