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Dune UTxOs by Address and Dune

Return all UTxOs controlled by the specified address or script pubkey which contain some of a specific kind of dune.

Path Parameters
    address string required

    Dogecoin address or hex encoded script pubkey

    Example: DNG3G7pKc1DgciyWs36GFUnVyvJieDhKdb
    dune string required

    Dune, specified either by the Dune ID (etching block number and transaction index) or name (spaced or un-spaced)

    Example: 2519999:31
Query Parameters
    count any

    The max number of results per page

    order any

    The order in which the results are sorted (by height at which UTxO was produced)

    from int64

    Return only UTxOs created on or after a specific height

    to int64

    Return only UTxOs created on or before a specific height

    cursor string

    Pagination cursor string, use the cursor included in a page of results to fetch the next page


Requested data

    data object[] required
  • Array [
  • confirmations int64 required
    dune_amount string required
    height int64 required
    satoshis string required
    txid string required
    vout int32 required
  • ]
  • last_updated object required
    block_hash string required
    block_height int64 required
    next_cursor string nullable