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Current epoch details

Returns a summary of information about the current epoch


Information about the current epoch

    data object required

    Information summary of the current epoch

    blk_count int32 required

    Total blocks in the epoch so far

    epoch_no int32 required

    Epoch number

    fees string required

    Total fees collected in the epoch so far

    start_time int64 required

    UNIX timestamp when the epoch began

    tx_count int32 required

    Total transactions in the epoch so far

    last_updated object required

    Details of the most recent block processed by the indexer (aka chain tip); that is, the data returned is correct as of this block in time.

    block_hash string required

    Hex-encoded hash of the most recently processed block (aka chain tip)

    block_slot int64 required

    Absolute slot of the most recently processed block (aka chain tip)

    timestamp string required

    UTC timestamp of when the most recently processed block was minted
