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Mempool Info

Mempool Info


Requested data

    data object required
    bytes int64 required

    Total memory usage for the mempool (in bytes)

    full_rbf boolean required

    Whether full replace-by-fee (RBF) is enabled

    incremental_relay_fee string required

    The incremental relay fee setting (in BTC)

    loaded boolean required

    Whether the mempool is fully loaded

    max_mempool int64 required

    Maximum memory usage for the mempool (in bytes)

    mempool_min_fee string required

    The minimum fee rate (in BTC/kB) for mempool transactions

    min_relay_tx_fee string required

    The minimum fee rate (in BTC/kB) for relaying transactions

    size int64 required

    Number of transactions in the mempool

    total_fee string required

    The total fees (in BTC) in the mempool

    unbroadcast_count int64 required

    Number of transactions that have not been broadcast

    usage int64 required

    Total usage of the mempool (in bytes)

    last_updated object required
    block_hash string required

    The hash of the block

    block_height int64 required

    The height of the block in the blockchain
