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Chain Info

Information about the state of the blockchain.


General blockchain information

    data object required
    automatic_pruning boolean nullable

    Whether automatic pruning is enabled (only present if pruning is enabled)

    bestblockhash string required

    The hash of the currently best block

    blocks int64 required

    The current number of blocks processed in the server

    chain string required

    Current network name as defined in BIP70 (main, test, regtest)

    chainwork string required

    Total amount of work in active chain, in hexadecimal

    difficulty double required

    The current difficulty

    headers int64 required

    The current number of headers we have validated

    initialblockdownload boolean required

    Estimate of whether this node is in Initial Block Download mode

    mediantime int64 required

    Median time for the current best block

    prune_height int64 nullable

    Lowest-height complete block stored (only present if pruning is enabled)

    prune_target_size int64 nullable

    The target size used by pruning (only present if automatic pruning is enabled)

    pruned boolean required

    If the blocks are subject to pruning

    size_on_disk int64 required

    The estimated size of the block and undo files on disk

    softforks object required

    Status of softforks in progress

    property name* Softfork
    active boolean
    bip9 object nullable
    bit int32 nullable
    since int32 required
    start_time int64 required
    statistics object nullable
    count int32 required
    elapsed int32 required
    period int32 required
    possible boolean required
    threshold int32 required
    status Bip9SoftforkStatus required

    Possible values: [defined, started, locked_in, active, failed]

    timeout int64 required
    height int32 nullable
    type object
    verificationprogress double required

    Estimate of verification progress [0..1]

    warnings string required

    Any network and blockchain warnings.

    last_updated object required
    block_hash string required
    block_height int64 required