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Block Info

Provides detailed information about a specific block by hash.

Path Parameters
    block_hash string required

    A block hash


Requested data

    data object required
    header object required
    bits int32 required

    The target value below which the blockhash must lie, encoded as a a float (with well-defined rounding, of course)

    merkle_root binary required

    The root hash of the merkle tree of transactions in the block

    nonce int32 required

    The nonce, selected to obtain a low enough blockhash

    prev_blockhash binary required

    Reference to the previous block in the chain

    time int32 required

    The timestamp of the block, as claimed by the miner

    version int32 required

    The protocol version. Should always be 1.

    txdata object[] required

    List of transactions contained in the block

  • Array [
  • input object[] required

    List of inputs

  • Array [
  • previous_output object required
    txid TransactionId required
    vout int32 required

    The index of the referenced output in its transaction's vout

    script_sig binary required
    sequence int32 required

    The sequence number, which suggests to miners which of two conflicting transactions should be preferred, or 0xFFFFFFFF to ignore this feature. This is generally never used since the miner behaviour cannot be enforced.

    witness binary[] required

    Witness data: an array of byte-arrays. Note that this field is not (de)serialized with the rest of the TxIn in Encodable/Decodable, as it is (de)serialized at the end of the full Transaction. It is (de)serialized with the rest of the TxIn in other (de)serialization routines.

  • ]
  • lock_time int32 required

    Block number before which this transaction is valid, or 0 for valid immediately.

    output object[] required

    List of outputs

  • Array [
  • script_pubkey binary required
    value int64 required

    The value of the output, in satoshis

  • ]
  • version int32 required

    The protocol version, is currently expected to be 1 or 2 (BIP 68).

  • ]
  • last_updated object required
    block_hash string required
    block_height int64 required