The Cardano blockchain is a smart-contract-enabled proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain based on the Ouroboros consensus protocol offering native liquid staking. Cardano is provably secure, energy-efficient, and scalable. Its ledger employs the Extended UTXO model, similar to Bitcoin's UTxO model, but with enhanced capabilities like native asset issuance and smart contracts execution while maintaining robust security and scalability.

Maestro provides the following services, accessible across multiple Bitcoin networks:
Turbo Transaction
The service is available on the following Bitcoin networks:
Network | Base URL |
Mainnet | https://mainnet.gomaestro-api.org/v1 |
Pre-Production | https://preprod.gomaestro-api.org/v1 |
Preview | https://preview.gomaestro-api.org/v1 |
The Maestro API is currently versioned at v1. When making a query, v1 must be included in your base URL.