
POST a Turbo Transaction



Before submitting an API request, ensure you have completed the following:

You need a Maestro Composer-level subscription or higher to access the Turbo Transactions feature. Otherwise, you can use the Submit Transaction endpoint.

Steps to Submit an API Request

Turbo Transactions supercharge your transaction submission processes. This guide will walk you through generating a transaction on Eternl and sending it to Maestro's Turbo Transaction endpoint.

1. Prepare Your Wallet

  • Switch the network to Pre-Production Testnet by selecting it from the bottom-right selector of the Eternl wallet interface.
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  • Create or restore two separate wallets in Eternl to test the transaction.
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  • After creating the wallets, disable the Transaction Auto Submit option.
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  • Find your wallet address in the Eternl dashboard under the Receive tab.
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2. Configure Eternl to Use Maestro's Turbo Submit Endpoint

  • Open Eternl App Settings
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  • Expand the Custom Submit API Endpoint section and click Add
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  • Enter the below Turbo Transaction Submit API URL, replacing <API_KEY> with your project key found in your project dashboard.

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  • Click Save
  • If your subscription does not support Turbo Transactions, you can try the standard Submit API.
  • Upgrade to the Pay-as-you-go Conductor subscription for easy access and support for Turbo Transactions.

3. Generating a Transaction

  • Go to the Send tab
  • Enter the receiving wallet address to create and sign a transaction between the two test wallets. Then, specify the amount of test ADA to send.
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  • Enter your spending password and click Sign.
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4. Submit the Transaction

Option 1

  • Click Submit to hit the Turbo Transaction endpoint via Eternl.
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Option 2

Click Download(signed)

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  • Copy the cBorHex from the downloaded transaction file. In this example, that will be:

  • Run the following command to create a binary stream:

  • Use your project API key to submit the transaction to the Maestro endpoint:

The response is the transaction hash of the submitted transaction.

Updated 09 Oct 2024
Doc contributor
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